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Cold Moon

The cold moon is the name given to the full moon that occurs in December. It is named after the cold, wintry weather that often occurs during this time of year. The cold moon is often associated with stillness, introspection, and reflection, as it marks the end of the year and the beginning of a new cycle.

About The Cold Moon

The cold moon is also known by other names, including the long night moon, the oak moon, the moon before Yule, and the moon of the strong sun.

The cold moon is named after the cold, wintry weather that often occurs during this time of year. It is associated with stillness, introspection, and reflection, as it marks the end of the year and the beginning of a new cycle.

In many traditions, the cold moon is seen as a time for rest and renewal. It is a time to look back on the year that has passed, and to make plans and set intentions for the year ahead. Many people choose to perform special rituals and ceremonies during the cold moon to honor its energy and tap into its power.



Try This Moon Chant


In many traditions, the cold moon is seen as a time for rest and renewal. It is a time to look back on the year that has passed, and to make plans and set intentions for the year ahead. Many people choose to perform special rituals and ceremonies during the cold moon to honor its energy and tap into its power.

Some common rituals and ceremonies that may be performed during the cold moon include:

  • Setting intentions and making plans for the new year.

  • Reflecting on the year that has passed and letting go of any negative experiences or feelings.

  • Connecting with the natural world and the divine.

  • Performing spells and rituals for manifestation and transformation.

  • Offering prayers and offerings to the gods and goddesses.

  • Meditating and visualizing desired outcomes.

Overall, the cold moon is associated with stillness, introspection, and reflection. Many people choose to honor and tap into its energy through special rituals and ceremonies.

​Overall, the cold moon is associated with stillness, introspection, and renewal. It is a time to reflect on the past and look forward to the future with hope and optimism.

Cold Moon Meditation 

Welcome to this guided meditation for the full Cold Moon

As you sit comfortably with your back straight and your feet planted firmly on the ground, take a few deep breaths in and out. Allow yourself to relax and let go of any tension or stress in your body.

Begin by gazing up at the full moon, allowing yourself to be mesmerised by its beauty and grace. Imagine that you are connecting with the powerful, transformative energy of the cold moon.

As you continue to connect with the cold moon, focus on your breath and allow yourself to sink deeper into a state of relaxation. As you inhale, imagine that you are drawing the energy of the cold moon into your body. As you exhale, imagine that you are releasing any tension, stress, or negativity that may be present in your body.

As you continue to breathe deeply, imagine that you are becoming one with the cold moon. Feel its energy flowing through you, filling you with a sense of stillness, introspection, and renewal.

As you continue to meditate on the cold moon, take some time to repeat a series of affirmations to yourself. You can choose from the following, or create your own:

  • I am at peace and in harmony with the world around me.

  • I am open to new opportunities and experiences.

  • I am grateful for all that I have and all that I am.

  • I am strong and capable of overcoming any challenge that comes my way.

  • I am surrounded by love and support.

  • I am worthy of love and happiness.

As you repeat these affirmations to yourself, allow yourself to truly believe in their truth. Feel the power of the cold moon amplifying these positive thoughts and affirming their truth in your life.

When you are ready, slowly bring your attention back to the present moment. Take a few more deep breaths, and when you are ready, gently open your eyes. Take with you the sense of peace and renewal that you have cultivated during your cold moon meditation.

Carry these energy’s of the full moon with you throughout your day and beyond.

Try This Moon Chant

Moon Gazing

Full cold moon, shining bright, Guiding us through winter's night,

Bringing peace and healing grace, As we stand in your embrace.


Oh full cold moon, we honor thee, In your light, we are set free,

With each phase, we grow and learn, As the wheel of life does turn.


In this time of cold and dark, We call upon your magic spark,

To warm our hearts and light our way, As we journey through each day.


Oh full cold moon, we honor thee, In your light, we are set free,

With each phase, we grow and learn, As the wheel of life does turn.


May your energy fill our souls, As we set our intentions and goals,

May we manifest with ease, As we follow the path you please.


Oh full cold moon, we honor thee, In your light, we are set free,

With each phase, we grow and learn, As the wheel of life does turn.


We thank you for your gifts of light, As we journey through the longest night,

And as we gaze upon your face, We feel your love and your embrace.


Oh full cold moon, we honor thee, In your light, we are set free,

With each phase, we grow and learn, As the wheel of life does turn.

We hope this guide to Cold Full Moon meditation has given you the tools you need to connect with the energy of this powerful lunar cycle. The Cold Moon, also known as the Long Night Moon, is a time of reflection, gratitude, and renewal.

Through the practice of Cold Full Moon meditation, we can harness the energy of the moon to let go of what no longer serves us, cultivate a sense of inner peace and clarity, and set intentions for the coming year.

Remember, there is no one "right" way to practice Cold Full Moon meditation. The important thing is to find a technique that resonates with you and allows you to tap into the energy of the moon in a way that feels authentic and meaningful.

We would love to hear about your experiences with Cold Full Moon meditation and how it has impacted your life. Share your thoughts, questions, and insights with us in the comments on our social media pages - we're always here to support you on your spiritual journey.

Thank you for joining us on this exploration of Cold Full Moon meditation. We hope this practice brings you greater peace, clarity, and alignment with your highest self.

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