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Yoga Pose
"Rejuvenate Your Mind, Body, and SoulRelax and Refresh with Our Cleansing Meditations"

Take a journey to inner peace and tranquility with Daisy Moon's Guided Cleansing Meditations. Enjoy a refreshing, calming experience with our guided meditations, designed to help you relax and clear your mind. Join us today and awaken your spirit!

Experience the power of cleansing meditation! Feel rejuvenated and restored, as you clear away the stresses of everyday life. Let us help you create a sense of peace and balance for a healthier, happier you.

"Welcome to Your Guided Meditation
Body & Mind Cleanse!"

Find a quiet and comfortable place where you can sit or lie down undisturbed for the next 20-30 minutes. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth.

As you inhale, imagine that you are inhaling clean, pure, white light. As you exhale, imagine that you are releasing any negative energy, stress, or tension that you may be holding onto.

Take a few moments to focus on your breath. As you inhale, count to four, and as you exhale, count to six. Allow yourself to breathe deeply and fully, filling your lungs with fresh air and exhaling any tension or stress.

Now, bring your awareness to your mind. Notice any thoughts or emotions that may be causing you stress or anxiety. Allow these thoughts and emotions to come to the surface, without judgment or resistance.

As you continue to breathe deeply, imagine that you are visualizing these thoughts and emotions as clouds in the sky. See them floating away from you, carried away by the wind, until they disappear from your sight.

Visualize a beam of light shining down from the sky, bathing your body and mind in healing and purifying energy. Allow yourself to bask in the warmth and energy of this light, feeling it cleanse and purify your body and mind.

Take a few more deep breaths, focusing on the sensation of the energy flowing through your body and mind. As you inhale, imagine that you are breathing in this healing energy, and as you exhale, imagine that you are releasing any negative energy or emotions.

Starting at the top of your head, scan down through your body and notice any areas of tension or discomfort. As you scan each part of your body, imagine that you are shining a bright light on that area, releasing any negative energy or tension that may be stored there.

Take a few deep breaths, focusing on the sensation of relaxation and release in each part of your body. As you inhale, imagine that you are breathing in healing energy, and as you exhale, imagine that you are releasing any negative energy or tension that may be stored in your body.

Repeat the following affirmations to yourself silently or out loud:

  • I release all negative thoughts and emotions.

  • I am worthy of love and acceptance.

  • I trust in my inner wisdom and intuition.

  • I am grateful for all the blessings in my life.

  • I am filled with love and light.

Take a few deep breaths, focusing on the sensation of peace and calm that fills your mind and body. Allow yourself to bask in this feeling of calm and relaxation, knowing that you are cleansed and renewed.

Now, visualize a beautiful garden, filled with lush green plants and vibrant flowers. As you walk through the garden, allow yourself to feel the calm and serenity that surrounds you. You come across a small pond and see your reflection in the water. As you gaze at your reflection, repeat the following affirmations to yourself silently or out loud:

  • I am at peace with myself and the world.

  • I am aligned with my purpose and my highest good.

  • I am healed and whole.

  • I trust in the universe and my own journey.

  • I am filled with love and light.

Take a few deep breaths, focusing on the sensation of the fresh air in the garden. As you inhale, imagine that you are breathing in the scent of the flowers, and as you exhale, imagine that you are releasing any negative thoughts or emotions that may still be lingering.

Take one final deep breath and slowly open your eyes. Take a moment to appreciate the sense of calm and clarity that you have cultivated through this meditation. Know that you can return to this sense of peace and renewal anytime you need it.


When you are ready, slowly stand up and stretch your body. Take a moment to reflect on any insights or messages that came through during your meditation. Carry this feeling of renewal and positivity with you as you go about the rest of your day. Remember that you are worthy of love and acceptance, and that you have the power to release negative thoughts and emotions and invite positivity into your life.

Image by Marcos Paulo Prado

Try This Body & Mind 

I release all negative thoughts, I welcome in the light.

I cleanse my mind of doubt and fear, I am renewed and bright.

With each breath I take, I release all that does not serve.

I am filled with peace and clarity, my thoughts and spirit pure.


I let go of all past hurts, I invite in love and light.

I am open to new beginnings, I am ready for what's right.

With each beat of my heart, I release all that's no longer true.

I am filled with hope and joy, my spirit pure and new.


I release all self-doubt, I welcome in confidence and strength.

I am capable and worthy, I walk my path at any length.

With each step I take, I release all that holds me back.

I am filled with courage and faith, my spirit pure and intact.


I release all judgments and criticisms, I welcome in compassion and kindness.

I see the good in all, and leave judgment behind us.

With each breath I take, I release all that separates.

I am filled with love and unity, my spirit pure and great.


I am cleansed, I am healed, I am whole and new.

I trust in my inner wisdom, my journey and my truth.

With each moment I live, I release all that no longer serves.

I am filled with gratitude and wonder, my spirit pure and preserved.


This chant provides a more comprehensive and thorough cleansing experience for both the mind and the spirit. Each paragraph focuses on a specific area of mental and emotional cleansing, inviting in positive energies and releasing negative ones. The repetition of the phrase "I am filled with" reinforces the idea of inviting in positive energy and being filled with it, while the final lines emphasise the sense of gratitude and wonder that can come from a deep spiritual cleansing.

​We hope you found our guide on body and mind cleansing meditation helpful and inspiring! By taking the time to nurture your mind, body, and spirit, you can create a more harmonious and balanced life that supports your overall health and well-being.

Remember, meditation is a personal journey, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Whether you're dealing with stress, anxiety, or simply want to improve your overall health, incorporating regular meditation and mindfulness practices can have a profound impact on your life.

We encourage you to explore different types of meditation and energy work to find what works best for you and your unique needs. And don't forget to be gentle and compassionate with yourself along the way - this is a journey of self-discovery, and it's important to honor your own pace and progress.

We'd love to hear about your experiences with body and mind cleansing meditation and any tips or tricks you have for cultivating greater mindfulness and well-being. Share your thoughts and questions with us in the comments below or on our social media pages - we always love hearing from our community!

Thank you for joining us on this journey towards greater health, balance, and inner peace. We wish you all the best as you continue to explore and deepen your practice of meditation and mindfulness.

Yoga Pose

" Recharge and Reset With Daisy Moon's Guided Video Meditations!"

Welcome to Daisy Moon! We are so excited to bring you guided video meditations designed to help you recharge and reset your life. Our carefully curated meditations provide healing and relaxation, so that you can open yourself to the abundance in the universe that awaits.

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Meditation Space

Come to Daisy Moon Boutique and browse our selection of mindful and meditative products! Our goal is to provide tools and resources to help you achieve a sense of peace, balance, and enlightenment.

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