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Snow Moon

The full snow moon, also known as the full hunger moon, is a traditional name for the full moon that occurs in February. This name is believed to have originated from the fact that February is typically the snowiest month of the year in many parts of the world, and it is also a time when food is scarce for animals and humans alike. The full snow moon can also be called the bone moon or the storm moon.

About The Snow Moon

The full snow moon is said to be a time of introspection and inner reflection. It is a time to focus on self-improvement and personal growth, as well as letting go of any negative emotions or experiences from the past. Some believe that the full snow moon's energy is particularly powerful for manifesting goals and desires.

In various cultures and traditions, the full snow moon has been associated with different powers and stories. In Native American cultures, for example, the full snow moon was a time for hunting and gathering food.


The Sioux tribe called this moon the "moon of strong cold" and used it as a marker for when it was safe to travel over frozen rivers and lakes.

In modern pagan and Wiccan traditions, the full snow moon is often associated with the element of fire and the goddess Brigid, who is associated with healing, poetry, and smithcraft. It is a time to honor the hearth and home, as well as to connect with the divine feminine energy.

Overall, the full snow moon is a powerful and meaningful time of year, steeped in tradition and folklore. Whether you use it as a time for personal reflection and growth, or simply appreciate its beauty and energy, it is a time to celebrate and embrace the cycles of nature and the universe.

Snow Moon

Welcome to this guided meditation for the full snow moon


As we come together in this space, take a moment to find a comfortable position, either sitting or lying down. Allow yourself to let go of any tension or stress in your body, and take a deep breath in, and exhale slowly.

Connecting with the Full Snow Moon: Visualize yourself standing outside on a clear winter night, surrounded by snow-covered trees and a blanket of white snow beneath your feet. Look up at the full snow moon, which shines brightly overhead, casting a soft, ethereal glow across the landscape.

Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, feel yourself connecting with the energy of the full snow moon. Allow yourself to be open and receptive to its light and energy.

Positive Affirmation: Repeat to yourself, "I am connected to the energy of the full snow moon. I am filled with peace and love. I trust in my ability to manifest my dreams and desires."

As you continue to gaze at the moon, imagine a beam of light emanating from its center, reaching down towards you. Feel the warmth and energy of this light as it enters your body, filling you with a sense of peace and tranquility.


Positive Affirmation: Repeat to yourself, 

I am worthy of love and abundance.

I trust in the universe to guide me towards my highest good.

I release any negative thoughts and emotions from my mind and heart.


Visualize this light spreading throughout your body, from your head to your toes, illuminating every cell and every part of you with its healing energy. As you bask in the light of the full snow moon, allow yourself to let go of any negative emotions or thoughts, releasing them into the universe to be transmuted into positive energy.


As this meditation comes to a close, take a moment to express gratitude for the energy and light of the full snow moon, and for the opportunity to connect with it in this way. When you're ready, slowly come back to your physical surroundings, wiggling your fingers and toes, and taking a deep breath in and out.


Carry the energy and positivity of the full snow moon with you throughout your day and beyond.

Try This Moon Chant

Moon Gazing

Full snow moon, shining bright, Bathing us in your snowy light,

Bringing calm and clarity, As we embrace your purity.


Oh full snow moon, we honor thee, In your light, we find clarity,

With each phase, we grow and learn, As the wheel of life does turn.


In this time of cold and snow, We call upon your tranquil flow,

To soothe our minds and ease our fears, As we welcome your gentle tears.


Oh full snow moon, we honor thee, In your light, we find clarity,

With each phase, we grow and learn, As the wheel of life does turn.


May your energy fill our souls, As we set our intentions and goals,

May we find peace and stillness deep, As we journey on this path we keep.


Oh full snow moon, we honor thee, In your light, we find clarity,

With each phase, we grow and learn, As the wheel of life does turn.


We thank you for your gentle light, As we journey through this winter's night,

And as we gaze upon your face, We feel your calm and peaceful grace.


Oh full snow moon, we honor thee, In your light, we find clarity,

With each phase, we grow and learn, As the wheel of life does turn.

We hope you enjoyed our guide on Full Snow Moon meditation and found it helpful in your spiritual practice! The Full Snow Moon is a time to embrace the energy of the winter season and to reflect on the progress we've made towards our goals so far. By harnessing the power of this lunar cycle, you can tap into your inner strength and intuition to move forward with clarity and purpose.

Remember, Full Snow Moon meditation is a personal journey, and there are many different ways to approach this practice. Whether you're looking to gain clarity on your path, release old patterns, or simply connect more deeply with the energy of the moon and nature, regular Full Snow Moon meditation and positive affirmations can have a profound impact on your life.

We encourage you to continue to explore different types of meditation and mindfulness practices to find what works best for you and your unique needs. And don't forget to be patient with yourself and trust in the process - growth and transformation take time and effort, but the rewards are well worth it.

We'd love to hear about your experiences with Full Snow Moon meditation and any insights or breakthroughs you've had along the way. Share your thoughts and questions with us on our social media pages - we always love hearing from our community!

Thank you for joining us on this journey towards greater spiritual awareness and growth. We wish you all the best as you continue to harness the power of the Full Snow Moon to create positive change in your life.

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