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Strawberry Moon

The Strawberry Moon, also known as the Full Rose Moon, is a name given to the full moon that occurs in June. This full moon gets its name from the fact that it coincides with the strawberry harvesting season in North America. The Strawberry Moon is also sometimes called the Full Rose Moon because it often appears reddish or pink in color, resembling a rose.

The Strawberry Moon is one of the full moons that occurs during the summer months and is known for its warm, vibrant energy. It is a time of growth, abundance, and fertility, and is often associated with love and romance.

During the Strawberry Moon, people may feel more energized and motivated to take on new projects or start new relationships. It is also a time for celebrating the abundance of the natural world and taking advantage of the warm weather.

In addition to its association with love and abundance, the Strawberry Moon is also associated with the element of water and is a time for cleansing and purification. This can be a good time to let go of any negative energy or habits and focus on bringing positive changes into your life.

In terms of astrology, the Strawberry Moon is a time of increased emotional intensity and sensitivity. It is a good time to pay attention to your feelings and listen to your intuition. It is also a time to be more open and receptive to new ideas and opportunities.



All about the Strawberry Moon


  • Occurs in June

  • Associated with growth, abundance, and fertility

  • Often associated with love and romance

  • Time of increased emotional intensity and sensitivity

  • Good time to pay attention to feelings and listen to intuition

  • Associated with the element of water and can be a time for cleansing and purification

  • Can have a positive effect on people's energy and motivation

  • Can be a time for rituals and spells, particularly related to love, abundance, and honoring the natural world.

  • A time to embrace the abundance and potential of the present moment.


Many pagans see the full moon as a powerful time for rituals and spells, and the Strawberry Moon is no exception. 

Some common rituals associated with the Strawberry Moon include cleansing and purification rituals, spells to attract love and abundance, and rituals to honor the natural world. In terms of the energy of people, the Strawberry Moon can have a positive effect on those who are open to its energy. Some people may feel more energized and motivated to take on new projects or start new relationships during this time. Others may find that they are more attuned to their own emotions and are able to tap into their intuition more easily. Overall, the Strawberry Moon is a time to embrace the abundance and potential of the present moment. Whether you choose to celebrate this full moon with a special ritual or simply take a moment to reflect on your own journey, the Strawberry Moon is a time to connect with your own inner strength and potential.


Strawberry Moon Meditation 

Welcome to this guided meditation for the full Strawberry  Moon

Find a comfortable seated position, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths. As you inhale, imagine filling your body with the vibrant energy of the Strawberry Moon. As you exhale, release any tension or stress.

As you continue to breathe deeply, allow your mind to focus on the present moment and let go of any distractions or worries. Bring your awareness to the full moon, which is shining brightly in the sky above. Imagine a beam of light coming from the moon and entering your body through the top of your head.

Allow this lunar energy to flow through your body, filling you with its warm, vibrant energy. As it reaches your heart center, imagine it radiating outward, filling your entire being with light and love.

As you embrace this energy, repeat the following affirmations to yourself:

  • I am worthy and deserving of love and abundance.

  • I am open and receptive to the blessings of the universe.

  • I am strong and capable of creating positive change in my life.

  • I am connected to the natural world and the rhythms of the earth.

Allow these affirmations to sink into your heart and soul, knowing that they are true for you. As you continue to repeat these affirmations to yourself, imagine a warm, glowing light radiating from your heart center. This light represents the abundance and potential of the present moment. Allow yourself to fully embrace this light and the positive energy it brings.

As the meditation comes to a close, take a few more deep breaths and slowly open your eyes. Carry the positive energy of the Strawberry Moon with you as you go about your day, knowing that you are deserving of love, abundance, and all the blessings the universe has to offer.

Carry these energy’s of the full moon with you throughout your day and beyond.

Try This Moon Chant

Moon Gazing

Oh, Strawberry Moon, hear our call, With your light, we'll never fall,

Guiding us on this path we roam, Bless us with your healing home.


We welcome your power and your light, As we honor this sacred night,

We offer our love and gratitude, For all the blessings you include.


As you rise, our spirits soar, With your beauty, we adore,

May your energy and your might, Empower us throughout the night.


We welcome your power and your light, As we honor this sacred night,

We offer our love and gratitude, For all the blessings you include.


Your energy is sweet like the berry, May it strengthen and never vary,

As we harness your full potential, May it inspire and be influential.


We welcome your power and your light, As we honor this sacred night,

We offer our love and gratitude, For all the blessings you include.


We thank you for your guidance and care, As we bask in your celestial glare,

May your energy be with us all year, As we continue on without fear.


We welcome your power and your light, As we honor this sacred night,

We offer our love and gratitude, For all the blessings you include.

We hope this guide on Strawberry Full Moon meditation has helped you tap into the energy of this powerful lunar cycle. As the full moon of June, the Strawberry Full Moon represents a time of abundance, growth, and nourishment. It's a time to celebrate the sweetness of life and cultivate a deeper connection with ourselves, each other, and the world around us.

Through the practice of Strawberry Full Moon meditation, we can harness the energy of this lunar cycle to cultivate a greater sense of gratitude, abundance, and joy. Whether you're looking to release old patterns, manifest your deepest desires, or simply connect more deeply with your inner self, this meditation can help you achieve your goals.

Remember, Strawberry Full Moon meditation is a personal journey, and there are many different ways to approach this practice. We encourage you to experiment with different techniques and find what works best for you and your unique needs.

We would love to hear about your experiences with Strawberry Full Moon meditation and any insights or breakthroughs you've had along the way. Share your thoughts and questions with us on our social media pages - we always love hearing from our community!

Thank you for joining us on this journey towards greater spiritual awareness and growth. We wish you all the best as you continue to explore the power of meditation and connect more deeply with the world around you.

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