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Beaver Moon

The Full Beaver Moon, is a term that originated with the Algonquin tribes who lived in North America. It occurs in November, which is the time of year when beavers start to prepare for winter by building their dams and lodges.

About The Beaver Moon

In terms of energy, the beaver full moon is associated with hard work, diligence, and productivity. It's a time when we can focus on achieving our goals and getting things done, just as the beavers are hard at work building their homes for the winter.

The beaver full moon is also known by other names in different cultures. For example, it's sometimes called the Frost Moon or the Mourning Moon, as it coincides with the start of the cold, dark winter months. In Chinese tradition, it's known as the White Moon, and in Celtic tradition, it's called the Dark Moon.

In terms of spiritual properties, the beaver full moon is believed to be a powerful time for manifestation and creation. It's a time when we can set our intentions and work towards bringing our dreams to fruition. The energy of the beaver full moon is said to help us stay focused, determined, and committed to our goals.


In many Native American traditions, the beaver full moon is also associated with storytelling and passing down wisdom from one generation to the next. It's a time when families and communities come together to share stories and celebrate their heritage.

Overall, the beaver full moon is a time of hard work, productivity, and manifestation. It's a time to focus on our goals and dreams, and to draw on the wisdom and traditions of our ancestors to help guide us on our journey.

Beaver Moon Meditation 

Welcome to this guided meditation for the full Beaver Moon

As we gather under the light of the full beaver moon, let us take a moment to connect with the energy of hard work, productivity, and manifestation that surrounds us. Just as the beavers are busy building their homes for the winter, we too can focus our energy on achieving our goals and dreams. Let us take this time to set our intentions and connect with the wisdom and traditions of our ancestors, as we work towards creating a bright and beautiful future for ourselves and for all those around us.


  1. Begin by finding a comfortable seated position, either on the floor or in a chair. Take a deep breath in through your nose, and exhale slowly through your mouth.

  2. Close your eyes, and visualize the bright light of the full beaver moon shining down on you. Imagine this light filling your entire being with warmth and positive energy.

  3. Take a few deep breaths, and with each exhale, release any tension or negative energy that you may be holding onto.

  4. Now, set your intention for this meditation. Think about something that you would like to manifest in your life, whether it's a goal, a dream, or a positive change that you would like to make. Hold this intention in your mind, and imagine it becoming a reality.

  5. As you focus on your intention, repeat the following positive affirmation to yourself: "I am capable of achieving my goals and dreams. I am focused, determined, and committed to creating a bright and beautiful future for myself and for all those around me."

  6. Continue to repeat this affirmation to yourself, as you visualize your intention becoming a reality. Imagine the joy and fulfillment that you will feel, once you have achieved your goal.

  7. Take a few more deep breaths, and with each exhale, release any remaining tension or negative energy from your body.

  8. When you are ready, slowly open your eyes, and take a moment to thank the full beaver moon for its energy and guidance.


As we bring this meditation to a close, let us take with us the positive energy and motivation that we have gained from this experience. Let us continue to work towards our goals and dreams, with the same focus, determination, and commitment as the beavers building their homes for the winter. And let us always remember to honor the wisdom and traditions of our ancestors, as we create a bright and beautiful future for ourselves and for all those around us.

Carry these energy’s of the full moon with you throughout your day and beyond.

Try This Moon Chant

Moon Gazing

November's full Beaver Moon, hear our call, As your energy rises, let us stand tall,

With your power, we build the life we desire, And stoke the flames of our inner fire.


We welcome your energy and your might, As we honor this lunar night,

With each breath, we feel your grace, And embrace your celestial embrace.


Your energy is focused, determined, and strong, Guiding us as we journey along,

With your power, we transform and grow, And embrace the new, letting the old go.


We welcome your energy and your might, As we honor this lunar night,

With each breath, we feel your grace, And embrace your celestial embrace.


Your light reveals what we need to see, As we create our own destiny,

With your power, we channel our will, And manifest our desires, as we fulfill.


We welcome your energy and your might, As we honor this lunar night,

With each breath, we feel your grace, And embrace your celestial embrace.


We thank you for your strength and your power, As we continue to build our life's tower,

May your energy stay with us through the year, And guide us through any obstacles that may appear.


We welcome your energy and your might, As we honor this lunar night,

With each breath, we feel your grace, And embrace your celestial embrace.

We hope you found this guide to Beaver Full Moon meditation informative and inspiring. The Beaver Moon, also known as the Frost Moon, is a time of introspection, reflection, and preparation for the colder months ahead.

Through the practice of Beaver Full Moon meditation, we can tune into the energy of this lunar cycle and connect with our inner wisdom. This meditation can help us release old habits and patterns, gain clarity on our goals and desires, and set intentions for the coming season.

Remember, there is no one right way to practice Beaver Full Moon meditation. The key is to find a technique that resonates with you and allows you to connect with the energy of the moon in a way that feels authentic and meaningful.

We would love to hear about your experiences with Beaver Full Moon meditation and how it has impacted your life. Share your thoughts, questions, and insights with us in the comments on our social media pages - we're always here to support you on your spiritual journey.

Thank you for joining us on this exploration of Beaver Full Moon meditation. We hope this practice brings you greater peace, clarity, and alignment with your highest self.

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