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Welcome to our website page dedicated to the Beltane Festival! This ancient celebration, also known as May Day or Flloralia marks the halfway point between the spring equinox and summer solstice. Traditionally observed on May 1st, Beltane is a time of rejoicing and renewal, heralding the arrival of summer and the fertility of the land. With roots in Celtic and pagan traditions, the Beltane Festival is celebrated by many cultures around the world, each with their own unique customs and rituals. In this page, we will explore the history and significance of Beltane, as well as the many ways it is celebrated today. Join us as we delve into the magic and mystery of this vibrant and joyful festival!

The May Festival

30th April to 1st May

Flowers & Dancing

Beltane, also known as May Day, is an ancient festival that celebrates the arrival of summer and the renewal of life. With roots in Celtic and pagan traditions, Beltane is observed on May 1st and is marked by a variety of customs and rituals.

One of the most common traditions associated with Beltane is the lighting of fires. In many cultures, these fires symbolise the return of the sun and the warmth of summer. People would gather around the fires to dance, sing, and make offerings to the gods and goddesses.

Here are some ways to honor the rituals involved in Beltane:

  • Build a Beltane fire or jump over one for purification and renewal

  • Create a maypole with colourful ribbons to represent the union of masculine and feminine energies

  • Decorate your home or altar with flowers, especially red and white ones like roses and hawthorn blossoms

  • Perform rituals for fertility and growth, such as planting seeds or blessing crops

  • Offer food and drink to the spirits of nature and your ancestors

  • Create an outdoor altar with items that represent the season, such as herbs, flowers, and stones

  • Practice divination, such as tarot readings or scrying, to gain insights and guidance for the coming season

Another important aspect of Beltane is the honouring of fertility and new life. In ancient times, this often meant rituals involving the planting of crops, the blessing of livestock, and the celebration of sexual union. Today, many modern practitioners of Beltane focus on themes of growth, creativity, and abundance.

There are many myths and legends associated with Beltane, including stories of the Green Man, a nature spirit who represents the power of the earth to renew itself. Other tales involve the goddess Brigid, who was associated with fire and fertility, and the god Belenus, who was often depicted as a sun god.

In terms of herbs, colors, and objects associated with Beltane, there are many traditions to choose from. Some common herbs used during this time of year include chamomile, thyme, and lavender, all of which are associated with growth and renewal. The colors of Beltane are typically bright and vibrant, including greens, yellows, and oranges, which represent the new growth of the season. Objects associated with Beltane include flowers, ribbons, and Maypoles, which are often used in traditional dances and ceremonies.

In summary, Beltane is a time of celebration, renewal, and growth. Whether you choose to light a fire, plant a garden, or dance around a Maypole, there are many ways to honor the traditions of this ancient festival and connect with the energy of the season.


May Chant


As the sun rises high and bright,

We welcome in the Beltane light.

Renewal, growth, and joy we seek,

As we dance and sing and speak.


With ribbons flying, and feet a-tapping,

We honor the land and its gentle mapping.

May the earth be blessed with bounty and love,

May the gods and goddesses smile from above.


So come and join us, one and all,

As we celebrate this Beltane ball.

Let our voices ring out clear and strong,

As we welcome summer and dance along.

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