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Yoga Pose

"Unlock Your True Wealth Potential with Daisy Moon - A Guided Journey of Manifestation and Transformation."

Greetings from Daisy Moon! Unlock the power of attracting wealth and abundance with our specially designed meditation sessions. Discover how to manifest the wealth you want and deserve in your life. Join us and feel the wealth!

Remember that manifesting wealth into your life requires not just meditation and affirmations, but also action and a willingness to open yourself up to new experiences and connections. Trust that the universe will guide you towards the right path and people, and keep an open heart and mind.

"Opening Yourself To Unconditional Wealth & Abundance: A Guided Meditation"


Find a quiet and comfortable place where you won't be disturbed for the duration of the meditation. Sit cross-legged on a cushion or in a chair, with your spine straight and your hands resting on your knees. Take a deep breath in through your nose, and exhale slowly through your mouth. Repeat this a few times until you feel centered and calm.

Close your eyes and imagine that you are standing in a beautiful garden, surrounded by trees, flowers, and the sound of birds singing. The sun is shining down on you, warming your skin and filling you with a sense of peace and happiness.

Take a moment to set your intention for this meditation. What kind of wealth do you want to attract into your life? Is it financial abundance, more opportunities for success, or a greater sense of abundance and prosperity? Visualize this intention as a glowing orb of light in your hands, and imagine yourself sending this intention out into the universe.

Bring your attention to your heart center, and place your hands over your heart. Imagine that your heart is a beautiful, radiant light, shining outwards and attracting wealth and abundance towards you.

With each inhale, imagine that you are breathing in abundance and prosperity. With each exhale, imagine that you are releasing any fears, doubts or negativity that may be blocking wealth from entering your life. As you continue to breathe deeply, repeat the following affirmations silently to yourself:

  • I am deserving of financial abundance and success.

  • I am open to receiving wealth in my life.

  • Wealth flows to me easily and effortlessly.

  • I am surrounded by abundance and prosperity.

  • I attract wealth and opportunity into my life.

Visualize yourself surrounded by a warm and comforting light, like a golden glow surrounding you. Imagine this light filling your heart and radiating outwards, attracting wealth and positivity towards you.

Take a moment to think about the different ways in which you can bring more wealth into your life. Maybe it's through starting a business, investing, learning new skills, or networking with like-minded individuals. Repeat the following affirmation silently to yourself:

  • I am open and receptive to the different ways in which wealth can come into my life.

Imagine that you are standing at the edge of a beautiful river, with crystal-clear water shimmering in the sunlight. Walk towards the water, and as you do, imagine that you are shedding any old beliefs, patterns, or behaviors that no longer serve you. Imagine these old energies dissolving into the water, leaving you feeling lighter and more free.

When you reach the edge of the river, step into the water and allow yourself to float on your back, feeling weightless and relaxed. As you float, imagine that you are surrounded by the loving and supportive presence of the universe - perhaps it's the energy of abundance and prosperity, or a higher power. Allow yourself to feel completely supported and nurtured by this energy.

When you're ready to end the meditation, take a few deep breaths and gently open your eyes. Take a moment to stretch your body and feel the energy flowing through you.


Remember that manifesting wealth and abundance into your life requires not just meditation and affirmations, but also action and a willingness to open yourself up to new opportunities and possibilities. Trust that the universe will guide you towards the right path and people, and keep an open mind and heart. May abundance and prosperity flow into your life in many wonderful ways.

Image by Jaclyn Moy

Try This Wealth 

By the power of the earth and sky

I call upon abundance to come nigh

May wealth and abundance flow to me

In all aspects of my life, so mote it be


May the universe align with my desire

To bring me abundance that will never expire

May wealth come to me with ease and grace

And bless me with abundance in every space


Money, riches, and prosperity abound

May my financial freedom now be found

I am deserving of success and wealth

And I call upon the universe to bring me health


By the elements of earth, air, fire, and water

May abundance find me as I am a seeker

May this chant bring forth my highest good

And help me prosper as it should


May this chant help you to align with the energies of abundance and prosperity, and attract the wealth that you desire into your life. Remember to stay open and receptive to the opportunities that come your way, and trust in the universe to guide you towards financial success and freedom.

Yoga Pose

"Unlock the Power of Wealth & Abundance with Daisy Moon's Guided Video Meditations!"

Welcome to Daisy Moon! We are so excited to bring you guided video meditations designed to help you attract wealth and abundance into your life. Our carefully curated meditations provide healing and relaxation, so that you can open yourself to the abundance in the universe that awaits.

​We hope you found our guide on wealth meditation insightful and helpful! By focusing your thoughts and intentions on abundance and prosperity, you can cultivate a more positive and prosperous life that supports your financial goals and dreams.

Remember, wealth meditation is a personal journey, and there are many different techniques and practices you can explore to find what works best for you. Whether you're looking to attract more financial abundance into your life, overcome limiting beliefs around money, or simply cultivate a more positive and abundant mindset, regular wealth meditation and positive affirmations can help you achieve your goals.

We encourage you to continue to explore different types of meditation and mindfulness practices to find what resonates with you and your unique needs. And don't forget to be patient and persistent with your practice - creating positive change takes time and effort, but the rewards are well worth it.

We'd love to hear about your experiences with wealth meditation and any insights or breakthroughs you've had along the way. Share your thoughts and questions with us in the comments below or on our social media pages - we always love hearing from our community!

Thank you for joining us on this journey towards greater financial abundance and prosperity. We wish you all the best as you continue to cultivate a more positive and prosperous mindset through the power of wealth meditation.

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